Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

Gratis Camfrog Free Mediafire | 6 MB

Camfrog Free Mediafire | 6 MB

Camfrog download – Camfrog is one of the instant messenger software that already exists in the Internet world, in which we can interact through text, video streaming, audio streaming and VoIP. This software was created by CAMSHARE LLC in 2003. “Room” which is owned by camfrog have unique properties, which means that in a room can accommodate about 1,000 more users. One of the advantages of Camfrog is if we want to see another user’s camera, we no longer need to request permission from the user. Camfrog is divided into two, namely Camfrog Camfrog Pro and regular. The difference is in the ordinary Camfrog, there are some features that can not be used, among others:

1. Can not see other users more than one.
2. Can not resize the video screen.
3. Can not add text on our video screens.
4. Can not find the location where the user we have added in the list is located.
5. Can not send files to users of Pro.

While using the Pro version, all the above features can be used. Pro version cost U.S. $ 49.95
More Information Visit: http://www.camfrog.com

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